Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jamie Foxx ~ Album Review


Garbage once again hits the airwaves. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love Jamie Foxx...I believe he has phenomenal vocal ability and I bought (3) copies of his debut album. I actually played one of the CD's so much that I had to replace it and I bought one as a gift so I have no problem purchasing and supporting talent. Yet, when a project isn't up to par, I have to be honest and put it out there so that he doesn't create another album like his latest album "Best night of My Life".

I love Jamie Foxx's crooner ability when he delivers R&B/ mid tempo records...there his specialty. I know that the music industry constantly evolves but this album was a combination of  Techno & Pop with a twist of R&B. It feels like he pulled out a trick from R. Kelly's book by sounding like all the newest artists instead of staying true to who he is. I can appreciate the versatility but in my opinion it compromised his music. Out of 13 tracks not including interlude, I happened to like " the self titled track Best Night of My Life, Living Better Now, Sleeping Pill, and my personal favorites are 15 Minutes & Fall for Your Type".

The rest of the songs on the album were a major disappointment. When an artist like Jamie Foxx has so much talent, please forgive me but I expect them to showcase it better. He has had a long career within the music, television and movie industry. He is suppose to show the newer generation how it's done and not follow suit to what they are doing.

Unfortunately, I have to rate Jamie Foxx's  "Best Night of My Life" a 2.5 stars out of 5 as well as Revoke his Schi~Stamp of Approval...Im sure he can earn it back again as long as he doesn't put out another album like this one.

Some people may think that I'm being harsh with my criticism but I am strong enough to take it and learn from it. Artists in any creative industry should be able to with stand constructive criticism. so let me know what you think...

The Schi 1  

P.S. If you want to know what music I like from Jamie Foxx, check out what I have below and please leave a comment. 

1) Jamie Foxx- Do What it Do

2) Jamie Foxx Feat. Marsha Ambrosius - Freakin Me

3) Jamie Foxx- Unpredictable

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