Monday, November 23, 2009

The Downfall of the Music Industry: To Rip or Not to Rip

That is the most important question for all of us that either consume music & movies or all those who create this artistry. Has the process of downloading cause the demise of these multi - million dollar industries?

For those who openly admit that they freely download music or buy bootleg movies, has led an argument that:
* If all peer-to-peer downloading stopped, it would not increase CD sales.
* Believes that free and easy distribution of an artist’s work actually helps the artist.
* Pirating provides a marketing incentive because people listen or watch it first and then purchase it.
* As well as the belief that, while downloads occur on a vast scale, most users are likely individuals who would not have bought the album even in the absence of file-sharing.

Individuals that pirate music also believe that if the music industry would put out a better quality of work that consumers would want to buy & it increase the demand of the product. With new age technology comes the responsibility of keeping up with the times, or in other words don't become threatened by this (problem), instead create a solution by updating the way that you reach your customer base. If the music industry can not appeal to their demographic then, who is truly to blame for the decline in movie &/or record sales.

For the individuals, that truly view Piracy as theft usually believes:
* Music fans are only too thrilled at the prospect of getting music so cheap, especially with the quality and experience being almost the same as the music downloads found at legitimate music sites such as iTunes and others. They willingly enter into the black illegal world of piracy, where they are asked to use their credit cards to purchase music downloads.
* As well as they put those who put these projects together out of business. We're not talking about the multi-millionaires but the little guy who works hard for little to nothing just like everyone else.

Piracy is causing a moral dilemma among consumers, artists, and those who finance these projects. There may never be a balance for all the parties involved but all that matters is the beliefs of those who are reading this blog. What is your stance and do you truly stand behind your position?

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